Eco-friendly 2024 St. Kitts Music Festival in the cards

Plans are moving full steam ahead for the 2024 St. Kitts Music Festival from 27th to 29th June, and welcome news has come that eco-friendly measures will be implemented at the region’s leading international music event.

The festival is offering its full support to the government’s green St. Kitts Nevis agenda which was rolled out earlier this year. As part of the Music Fest Goes Green initiative, vendors are being encouraged to use recyclable alternatives to plastic cups, plates and utensils. Recycling bins will also be installed throughout the festival venue. 

In March, environment and climate action minister, Dr. Joyelle Clarke, announced in the National Assembly that the government was implementing a three phase plan that would result in the abolition of single use plastics and styrofoam in the country by 2025. 

She also noted the urgency of taking action regarding plastic pollution to prevent the harm to both the environment at human health.

“The small changes today will lead to incremental improvements in human and environmental  health. Our students collected thousands of pounds of plastic bottles last year. Our landfill is  bursting at the seams with plastics. What was once thought of as a viable solution to paper based products has now become the gravest problem for our oceans. Each year for 10 years a  single beach cleanup would remove upwards of 3000lbs of plastics from our coast. Our diet,  no matter how conscientious, has traces of cancer related microplastics. St. Kitts and Nevis  must now do its part to protect lives and livelihoods,” said Dr. Clarke. 

The three phases involve:

  1. A ban on the importation of single-use plastic T-shirt shopping bags. As of December 31st,  2024, imports of t-shirt shopping bags will be banned. This will be followed by a prohibition on the  sale and distribution of t-shirt plastic bags on March 31st, 2025; 
  2. A ban on the importation of Foam food containers and plastic straws effective April 30th, 2025.  The sale and distribution of plastic straws and foam containers will be prohibited starting July  31st, 2025;
  3. A ban on the importation of plastic cups, plates, and utensils on August 31st, 2025. The ban on their sale and distribution will come into effect on November 30, 2025. 

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