Nyon Dasent Charged For Parris murder

Police have revealed that Nyon Dasent has been arrested and charged for the murder of Vaughn Parris. Parris was shot to death, around mid-afternoon, in the Dorset basketball court area, in Basseterre, on June 6.

While announcing the breakthrough in the case, the Police also gave Dasent’s address as Wade’s Garden, Basseterre.

In 2013, Dasent was sentenced to ten years in prison for the attempted murder of Shakeem Walters. The original sentence was fifteen years but Dasent served 10 years due to the time he spent in remand.

Parris’ murder was the fourth in less than 48 hours.

The Police have given their assurance that they are working concertedly with stakeholders to ensure the safety of Kittitians and Nevisians.

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